Romagna Tech is a not-for-profit Joint-Stock Consortium Company that promotes, facilitates and generates technologic innovation processes.
Accredited as Industrial Research Laboratory and Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer within the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network. Romagna Tech has a twenty years experience in the field of technology transfer and dissemination of research results.
Romagna Tech integrates internal multisectoral experiences (innovative materials, ICT, mechanics, electronics, sensors etc.), it is a member of all regional Clust-ERs and it was responsible for the dissemination of 6 strategic projects of the first call: specialist and transversal skills allow to focus on the application potential of the research results and to approach the activity of dissemination with particular attention to the active participation of companies. The consolidated collaboration with the laboratories involved is a guarantee of continuous coordination between the R&D phases and spreading.
Role in the project:
Romagna Tech is in charge for the dissemination activity. Romagna Tech will manage all the material realization activities, organization of initiatives, participation to events and exhibition, activation of contacts with media and networking with companies and other stakeholders promoting the project’s results in order to ensure its widest dissemination and impact of the project results, not subject to IPR, deemed to be of qualifying relevance. Romagna Tech will identify specific target groups and ad hoc communication channels in order to create a network of contacts and to maximize the impact on the stakeholders. The transfer of results will contribute to increase the regional competitiveness particularly in the field of innovative materials, in the building-construction and transport sectors.

Patrizia Bernardelli
Romagna Tech scpa
Via Granarolo, 62
48018 Faenza (RA)
Tel: +39 0546 670311